HarkenLion FoundationFostersTrillian TrustNuplex Industries LtdOvlov MarineHalf Moon Bay MarinaThe Engine RoomSikaNZCTRNYSMaritime Museum FoundationAltexUnited Industries LimitedOrigin Quarries

Friends of CYCT

Becoming a friend of the Classic Yacht Charitable Trust

To become a Friend of CYCT and donate time, skills, funds, or sponsorship please either:

Download and action the Friends of CYCT form
or Phone Larry Paul on +64 (0)21 280 0360
or email Larry at mail@classicyachtcharitabletrust.org.nz


Being involved with the Trust boats is a great way to learn and understand more about early European history and craftsmanship, to help preserve our heritage for the long term and to meet and build strong friendships with like-minded people.

The Classic Yacht Charitable Trust is a registered charitable entity.

There are several ways of becoming involved in helping to preserve these boats for the long term benefit of New Zealanders.

Donating time and skills to help maintain the boats

The boats require plenty of general maintenance including sanding and varnishing and also often require more technical boat builder or marine engineering skills. Friends who donate time to the boats not only help maintain the boats but also learn many of the fast fading skills required on vessels of the past, or are able to teach these skills to others.

Donating funds to help with the costs of maintaining the boats

Several Charities donate funds direct to the trust to assist with maintenance of the vessels. We also have a number of companies involved in the marine industry who donate products to assist with the maintenance of the vessels. Individuals either make one off donations or regular monthly payments by Automatic Payment. Tax receipts are issued for donations

Becoming a sponsor

Sponsors work with the Trust to establish mutually beneficial ways of achieving sustainable business and trust outcomes. All of our sponsors are listed on this web site. Many of our sponsors are involved in the marine industry but others are involved purely because of the ability to connect with the wide range of potential customers associated with the Trust.


Major Sponsors

Voyager New Zealand Maritme Museum
Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron
Altex Yacht and Boat Paint
A Foster & Co Ltd
The Lion Foundation
Trillian Trust
NZ Community Trust
A D Blake
Half Moon Bay Marina

Other Sponsors

Emirates Team NZ
Chatfield Engineering
Ellery Customs Agents
Fostermasts Ltd
Orams Marine (Ak) Ltd
Ports of Auckland
Paul Wright
HR Software

Products and Services Provided at Cost or Below

Boat Haulage Ltd
Boat Building and Shipwright Services
Lighthouse Marine Equipment
Marine Spraying Limited
NZ Crane Ltd
Ovlov Marine Ltd
Safety at Sea
Waikato Auckland Cranes
Walleius Wilhelmsen Shipping